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World TV Day 2014

21 November 2014 TV & online

ACT, The Association of Commercial Television in Europe, egta, the association of television and radio sales houses and EBU, the European Broadcasting Union come together to celebrate the United Nations initiative of World Television Day on 21 November. On this occasion we honour a medium that holds a central place in the lives of millions of people and we highlight the many services TV offers in the era of multi-screening.

World TV Day 2014 Thumbnail
Viewers are invited to share their favourite TV moments in celebration of World Television Day – Broadcasters across Europe, Asia, Canada, USA and Australia have been invited to screen a 30 second video commissioned by the organizations in recognition of the crucial role TV plays to inform, educate and entertain. Numerous broadcasters have already confirmed that they will air the clip on 21st November across their networks or online portals.
The clip features entertainment, news, culture, sport and drama highlights and urges viewers to nominate their best TV moment using the social media hash tags #WeloveTV and #WorldTVDay. Contributions made to websites, Facebook and twitter will be collated by local broadcasters with the potential to create a new clip called ‘You love TV.’ Contributions made to websites, Facebook and Twitter will be collated by local broadcasters with the potential to create a new clip called ‘You love TV.’
  • Read more in a related press release: link.