Capitalising Culture and Innovation – World Intellectual Property Day

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CMBA and the global creative community celebrate World Intellectual Property Day on 26 April. As creative and media businesses we invest in innovation and creativity through different forms of intellectual property. Copyright is at the heart of what we do. It finances the academic databases allowing digital discovery previous generations of scientists could only dream of. It enables the media platforms, newspapers, and magazines that consistently trigger important societal debate without sacrificing journalistic integrity to clicks. Copyright drives investment in the books, the music, the films, the games and the apps that make Europeans dream. CMBA celebrates World Intellectual Property Day because:
© Copyright as a fundamental right of property rewards risk and responsibility for sustainable cultural creation and innovation
Online music services are available everywhere in Europe, providing European consumers with over 37 million tracks online.
Europeans access more than 3600 audiovisual online services.
European readers have the choice of 8 million book titles with a rapidly growing online market.
© Copyright and contractual freedom attract investment in innovation and creativity for a growing multibillion euro EU business and employment
Our sector represents more than 7 million European employees, 3.2% of total European employment.
The annual investment of Europe’s largest commercial broadcasting groups into content comes to over Euro 15 billion – which translates into Euro 41 million per day.
The world’s largest scientific publisher is European and serves a global community supporting over 30 million scientists, clinicians and students in their research and decision-making.
© Copyright and editorial responsibility work hand in hand to promote free expression in a democratic society based on the rule of law
Despite the economic crisis, 28 news channels have been launched since 2010. Almost 300 news channels are currently available in Europe, of which more than 170 are established in the European Union.
100 million local, regional, and national newspapers are sold or distributed each day across Europe.
50.000 consumer and business-to-business titles produced by European magazine publishers are enjoyed by approximately 360 million regular readers.
Tablet owners estimate they spend on average 30% more time on news than before.
Please join us in celebrating and supporting tomorrow’s talent, creativity and entrepreneurship – Europe’s future!