Promote and defend the ACT Vision in EU legislative discussions and EU media by responding to public inquiries, proactively creating and disseminating industry information and positions as well as organising physical and online policy discussion platforms to promote the collective interests of its Members.
The purpose of the ACT is to promote the collective interest of its Members by:
- facilitating the definition of common positions, proposals and actions on, including without limitation, regulatory environment, professional rules, programming;
- explaining to national, international or European policy makers the contribution the television industry makes to European society, in terms of, including without limitation, culture, news and to the European economy, in terms of, including without limitation, growth, innovation, jobs;
- influencing the EU’s political and policy agenda; and
- keeping its Members informed and appraised of relevant developments.
Be the leading advocate for commercial broadcasting and VOD Services in the European Union on all platforms by supporting policies that promote:
- incentives to invest in and promote original European content;
- commercial broadcasters and VOD services as a cornerstone of pluralism of content and consumer choice, and;
- contractual freedom and copyright enforcement as a driver of commercial success.
Manifesto 2024-2029
Television and Video on Demand services are a fundamental part of European societies and creative economies.
ACT members are at the heart of the European media success story, touching the lives of most Europeans on a daily basis.
We are a vital part of Europe’s pluralistic democratic order and economy and have a core role to play in addressing the challenges facing the Continent.
ACT Members recommend that policy-makers look to three guiding pillars (each of equal importance) to secure cultural diversity, media pluralism and economic growth.

Parameters that fit the new media environment
The economic reality of the audiovisual landscape in Europe needs a legal and regulatory framework that ensures stability and drives competitiveness.

Policies that allow media to compete & grow
Allowing media to compete effectively and grow means effective support for pluralism, implementation of new ex ante European rules and a more modern competition policy framework.

Principles to promote IP & contractual freedom
The fundamental commercial drivers of value for media – intellectual property and contractual freedom – need to be preserved and better enforced.