
Promote and defend the ACT Vision in EU legislative discussions and EU media by responding to public inquiries, proactively creating and disseminating industry information and positions as well as organising physical and online policy discussion platforms to promote the collective interests of its Members.

The purpose of the ACT is to promote the collective interest of its Members by:

  • facilitating the definition of common positions, proposals and actions on, including without limitation, regulatory environment, professional rules, programming;
  • explaining to national, international or European policy makers the contribution the television industry makes to European society, in terms of, including without limitation, culture, news and to the European economy, in terms of, including without limitation, growth, innovation, jobs;
  • influencing the EU’s political and policy agenda; and
  • keeping its Members informed and appraised of relevant developments. 


Be the leading advocate for commercial broadcasting and VOD Services in the European Union on all platforms by supporting policies that promote:

  • incentives to invest in and promote original European content;
  • commercial broadcasters and VOD services as a cornerstone of pluralism of content and consumer choice, and;
  • contractual freedom and copyright enforcement as a driver of commercial success.

ACT Blueprint for EU media policy 2019 – 2024

The European commercial broadcasting and VOD services sector is a major success story. We entertain and inform hundreds of millions of EU citizens each day via thousands of channels available across Europe.

We look to Europe to foster the 3Rs: a Robust media policy based on an industrial vision, a Responsible Platforms legal framework to deliver a healthy and balanced online environment, and better transposition and enforcement to deliver Reliable rights and commercial freedoms

Guillaume de Posch, President of the ACT (extract from Speech at the ACT/AER/EBU/NME Conference: “Shaping the future of EU Media Policy”, Brussels, 3 December 2019)


European broadcasters make a huge contribution to life in Europe – democratic, cultural and economic. We underpin societal debate and democracy, bring diverse communities together, reflect the cultural diversity of Europe and make a major contribution to employment, growth and tax revenue. We look to Europe to foster an industrial vision which protects and strengthens the unique characteristics of our sector.


If the challenges set by online platforms as gatekeepers of the online economy can be addressed, Europe’s media sector stands to benefit. Balanced competition and a healthy, pluralistic online media ecosystem, depend on a sector specific, ex ante legislative regime and a set of ex post measures to be applied to online platforms.


Copyright and contractual freedom make up the DNA of our business and allow broadcasters to operate and reinvest in European content. Impactful European legislative initiatives have been approved in the past five years. Institutions need to take stock and continue to uphold the fundamental drivers of creative media.