ACT response to the Commission’s consultation on Consultation on on-line gambling in the Internal Market

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The ACT members observe a very fragmented, incoherent internal online gambling market. In a few EU member states, online gambling is regulated, in others forbidden, in the most countries it is a grey market.
The patchwork of restrictions and prohibition of advertising and sponsorship rules for online gambling is intolerable and incompatible with the idea of the internal market, where it should be possible to show e.g. Real Madrid footballers on TV wearing their football shirts with the name of their main sponsor, an online gambling company, everywhere in Europe.
At the same time, the ACT recognises the need to protect children. Therefore, advertising for online gambling services should not target children. The ACT also believes that illegal online gambling should be fight with a controlled opening of the market, not with bans and complete restrictions. A controlled opening of the market will channel online-gambling customers and help to prevent fraud and gambling addiction… Click here to read more.