Broadcasters welcome P2B adoption
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BRUSSELS, 17 APRIL 2019. Following the European Parliament’s vote on the ‘Platform-to-Business’ (or ‘P2B’) Regulation on 17 April, Broadcasters associations in Europe issue the following statement:
“We welcome the adoption of the Regulation on promoting fairness and transparency for business users of online intermediation services, also known as P2B Regulation.
This outcome is a first step towards balancing online markets and bringing more fairness and trust in online platforms’ trading practices. We particularly welcome new provisions to boost transparency on terms and conditions, ranking/algorithms and data practices, and to ensure that the identity of service and content providers is clearly visible on platforms.
We now ask national governments to apply the Regulation in a comprehensive and consistent way to deliver maximum benefits to providers in Europe. We encourage EU institutions, and especially the European Commission and the Observatory on the Online Platform Economy, to continue to monitor the situation closely. We urge the Commission to engage with stakeholders in scoping and supporting evidence-gathering by the Observatory to inform the Regulation’s evaluation so that the EU is ready to take further action as required considering the fast moving nature of the market and the impact on digital competition and innovation in Europe.
In particular, we would support additional rules granting access to data generated from the use of the broadcasters’ services or content on platforms. Broadcasters invest billions of euros each year in content and they should have access to valuable data generated from the consumption of their content.”
Broadcasters associations in Europe will continue to closely follow this issue and urge European policymakers to continue to critically assess online platforms’ behaviour and ensure a win-win situation for both audiences and enterprises in Europe.