The case for change to the AVMS Directive

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After almost a decade, the Commission is reviewing the AVMSD for which the ACT strongly believes, it is an important opportunity to ensure the right balance is reached in order for the commercial broadcasters to be able to effectively compete to ensure sustained reinvestment in the European AV ecosystem. This means acknowledging four realities: (i) If original content investment is to be sustained, a more level commercial playing field is vital, (ii) Focus should be on the risks to minors, and balanced regulation, not on where it is easiest to regulate those that are already regulated under existing structures, (iii) The Country of Origin Principle will continue to be a key facilitator of cross border distribution and (iv) The promotion of European content, including non-national European content, should be market driven rather than quota based. Therefore, main messages commercial broadcasters would like to put across are the following:
- – Less prescriptive rules on commercial communications will boost investment in original European content regardless of distribution means
- – Consumer demand drives EU content production, not quotas
- – Current AVMSD regime applied to TV services is highly successful in protecting minors
- – Country of Origin Principle is a vital cornerstone of the Directive
- – Accessibility requirements should be demand led
- – Member States should decide which content deserves prominence.
For the full position paper, please open the attachment.
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Gregoire Polad | ACT Director General
T: +32 2 736 00 52 | E: