World Television Day – Celebrating the enduring Values & Quality of Television

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BRUSSELS, 21 NOVEMBER 2019. The Association of Commercial Television in Europe (ACT) proudly celebrates World Television Day today, a United Nations annual celebration since 1996.
ACT is proud, along with partner organisations egta and EBU, to celebrate this day recognising the “impact television has on decision-making by bringing world attention to conflicts and threats to peace and security and its potential role in sharpening the focus on other major issues, including economic and social issues” (Source United Nations. Click here for background).
World Television Day is also the opportunity for ACT to recall the importance of this role and continued commitment to help raise awareness on critical global issues. As such, ACT continues its efforts as a founding signatory of the Global Media Compact to raise awareness on the Sustainable Development Goals.
As highlighted by the Global TV Group, on this 2019 edition of the World TV Day, “TV touches countless viewers around the world – millions of entertaining, inspiring and informative stories, just waiting to be discovered, changing the viewers’ perception of the world. This is why this year’s edition focuses on the diversity of television content – great stories, available when and where they want, on a multitude of TV platforms, triggering their curiosity, interest and loyalty. The topic of diversity also underlines the larger societal topic increasingly featured in TV programmes and advertising campaigns. In this broader meaning, with a range scope of diverse content, TV plays a powerful role as a force for good and contributes to a democratic society”.
Television’s contributions to our economies, cultures, societies and the democratic discourse remain pivotal. ACT’s 30th Anniversary, celebrated this Monday, was yet another opportunity to demonstrate this contribution and launch ACT’s Blueprint for EU media policy 2019-2024. This Blueprint, while focused on European policy, underlines principles that are globally relevant to all policy-makers focused on media and a sustainable online environment.
The World has a wonderfully diverse and creative television ecosystem that flourishes where Robust media policies are in place, where platform Responsibilities are adequately tackled, and where Broadcasters can rely on reliable rights and commercial freedoms. The future of Broadcasting is bright where public policies bolster the fundamental drivers of media plurality, quality news and cultural diversity in Europe.
ACT wishes you a very happy World Television Day. Stay tuned and click here or on below banner to access 2019 World Television day spot!